Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" is a fun movie that I will watch again and again. There is imagination, suspense, good gore and reminders of some of my other favorite movies all wrapped in one!First, "Evil Dead" : A pack of college-aged kids decide that a great idea for a vacation is to rent a cabin in the middle of the woods with no telephone or any other form of communication. Heck, the Cabin Fever crew even has to cross water to get to their destination. The "Cabin Fever" youngsters vary a bit from their Evil Dead counterparts, but not much: There is the sex-crazed couple, a romantic couple, and a "third wheel" that is a bit insane. They come to the cabin "to party", as described by the VERY weird deputy sheriff (played by Giuseppe Andrews), he was cool in "2001 Maniacs".
Tow from this movie played in "Death Proof". Any way, now to the good stuff, OK, so a strange disease begins to spread to each of them. What begins as a freakish encounter with a local hermit who looks a bit like his skin is peeling off develops into a water supply tainted with flesh-eating bacteria that begins dissolving our heroes one by one. Eli Roth, to me anyway, is the fucking truth! I love the fact that he's so iffy about germs , it really comes through cause this movie made me gag. If you haven't seen this one yet, then what the fuck are you waiting for.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cabin Fever
Posted by Chino at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hostel", for me was top notch, sick, twisted, disgusting and absolutely brilliant! Directed by Eli Roth who also wrote and directed "Cabin Fever", its about two Americans backpacking through Europe who end up victims of an underground murder-for-profit business! The start of this movie was very soft porn, then at about half time it turns into this super dark and gritty slaughter house!
Roth develops the characters - especially the hero - beyond connect-the-dots portraits, and he makes a steady, grueling, suspenseful march to a odd finish that is likely to give it a devoted cult following. Go back and watch it again, the ending is very strange. If uer one of the few that didn't see this movie then uer really missing out on something special. I hold "Hostel" much higher than any of the "Saw", movies. Eli Roth kicks ass. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us!
Posted by Chino at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Blob!
"The Blob" remake is a really good movie with effects that were pretty swell for 1988! This movie, compared to the 1958 original is far gorier with the blob attacking with vengeance anybody that dares fire guns or flame throwers at it. This one has a mind of its own. The end is specially creepy with the one eyed Preacher man and his sick dream! I never remembered this part till I re-watched it. I love that, when I pick up a flick I haven't seen since I was a kid and discover part of the film that I had forgot or it flew over my head. It's like finding money in the bottom of uer pants pocket that you didn't know was their until you finally put them on again.The one person I’m glad the thing didn’t eat was Meg, the heroine played by Shawnee Smith. It was weird to see how far her roots went,Shawnee, I only remember her from the "Saw" series as the recovered heroin addict. She was good in this movie it made me appreciate her more on "Saw", but she did good and she was cute I loved her when her boyfriend gets consumed by the Blob in the hospital scene! That scene was pretty shocking to me seeing it again and all. The FX were really good. This movie is boss so pic it up if you haven't seen or hardly remember it!
Posted by Chino at 12:57 PM 0 comments