Friday, July 4, 2008

The Not So Happening.....

Yesterday my sister China had a great idea,"Lets go to the movies yaw". So the whole house got all creative about it and the "Ramblers" and I went rambling! There were 7 total of us Hilton folk off to "United Artist", the movie theater in south Philly. On arrival it finally hit us; What are we going to watch? Adrien said "Hancock", I was going for "The Strangers",!I really want to see that movie!, but John and We-G both said "The Happening". So China, now inspired by the jumper scene in the trailer, pays for 7 ticket. I was so disappointed at this movie! M.Night finally gets an R rating and what the fuck did he use it on? I expected much more. I didn't feel scared, its that simple, it just didn't scare me. The "money shot" came to pass in the first few minutes; You know the one, were people are jumping off a building. My advise....wait for it on DVD. That was some downer shit man.


Anonymous said...

I agree, this movie wasn't really "Happening" at all. I went to this film with an open mind and my "Sixth Sense" was telling me it would be total crap. I'm not a big fan of M. Night Shyamalans movies, but I liked it a whole lot better than "The Village," now that movie wasn't Happening either.