"Heathers" is a 1989 black comedy film starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, and Shannen Doherty. The film portrays four girls in a trend-setting clique at a suburban Midwestern high school. The girls—three of whom are named "Heather"—rule the school through intimidation, contempt, and sex appeal. Veronica, the protagonist, although officially a member of the Heathers, does not like the way that they run the school, their misuse of powers, and their intimidation of "lower" students."JD" a sociopath drifter who eventually falls in love with Veronica uses his hate and love, Veronica, to kill the most popular students at school, and make them all turn out to be suicide, writing suicide notes and all. But their victims are now being glorified, due to their touching death notes. And even in death they still were able to start a trend, a suicide trend! The ending is the most shocking part of the flic. Just think "Mean Girls" with lots of funerals!
In this version, J.D. dies in the boiler room, and Veronica is shown walking through the school, though only from the back. This is interrupted by shots of the bomb counting down, showing that Veronica had not shut it off. When she reaches the front of the school, Veronica turns around, allowing the viewer to see that the bomb was strapped to her chest. It hits zero, the screen turns black, and Veronica says "Boom."
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